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45 MW Wind Farm called “Anemos”

Wind farm made by 10 wind turbine with 4,5 MW power each

Energy Energy Energy Energy Energy

Project development for wind farm realisation encompasses several phases and needs for different professional skills. From the preliminary set-up to the construction side operation, Seapower can be the unique focal point for all customer needs, facing even the most complex assignment with a holistic approach build-up and refined across the years.
As well as looking after specific design activities, Seapower supports its customers in several on site operations: among these, the interactions with local administration bears a great deal of responsibility in order to identify local operations well appropriate and targeted aiming to:
– Improve the territory
– Increase general energy efficiency
– Compensate and mitigate environment
In this frame ANEMOS project is born, wind farm made of 10 wind turbines with 4,5 MW power each, located in the Western part of Sicily nearby Mazara del Vallo and Salemi cities.
The area where wind turbines will rise is part of a purely agricultural context, particularly dedicated to the production of energy from renewable sources. The topographic and geomorphological configuration has a hilly trend characterized by moderately steep reliefs that limit the farm visibility. The annual energy production will satisfy the annual energy needs of approximately 50.000 families.

The main characteristics of the wind farm are:

Power: 45 MWp
Expected Producibility: 153.392.000 kWh/y
Potentially Avoidable Emissions: 75.499 tons/y of CO2

  • LocationSicily - Mazara del Vallo
  • CountryItaly
  • ClientUndisclosed
  • Year2023
  • Scope of worksWind farm


– Scouting and site analysis
– Farm traffic and site access assessment;
– Electrical design in order to get STMG from Terna
– Final design in order to get the connection works acceptance from Terna
– Technical, environmental and regulatory factors or constraints analysis for wind turbines location
– Final environmental, landscape, architectural and electrical design in order to get VIA and AU authorization

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