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Offshore Wind Energy: in Naples the workshop to lay the foundations of an all-Italian supply chain

25 January 2023

Offshore Wind Energy: in Naples the workshop to lay the foundations of an all-Italian supply chain

“Offshore wind is probably the only way to increase renewable energy in Italy and achieve the objectives set by the European Community for 2030. This type of system represents a unique opportunity, a real challenge for our country, because it is the only technology, although not yet fully mature, which allows the wind of the Mediterranean Sea to be exploited, which is too deep for wind turbines that require anchoring to the seabed”, says Prof. Domenico Coiro, Department of Industrial Engineering – Aerospace Section , University of Naples Federico II and President SEAPOWER scrl.
The time is ripe to organize and develop an all-Italian supply chain for offshore wind power, in which many industrial and research groups around the world are already investing: Italian steel and mechanical companies cannot stay out of this new challenge, compete in which it would lead to a significant creation of new jobs. If this opportunity were not exploited, it would simply benefit other European companies and the financial groups that support them, as has already happened in the past.

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