
Technical Design and Licensing

Technical design: Development of technical drawings and reports for all project components, coordinated with local professionals, in order to integrate the contributions of all disciplines involved in the plant design.

Technology integration: Selection and integration of the most advanced and appropriate technologies to maximize the efficiency and sustainability of the plant.

Preparation of documentation: Drafting of all the documentation necessary to obtain the authorizations and permits required by the competent authorities.

Permit management: Coordination with local, regional and national authorities to ensure that the project complies with all applicable regulations.

Environmental impact assessment: Conducting detailed studies to assess and mitigate the environmental impact of the project.

Technical Design and Licensing Technical Design and Licensing Technical Design and Licensing Technical Design and Licensing Technical Design and Licensing

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29,4 MW Wind Farm called “La Conca”


29,4 MW Wind Farm called “La Conca”
30,45 MWp Advanced Agrovoltaic Plant called “Granozzo”


30,45 MWp Advanced Agrovoltaic Plant called “Granozzo”
41,08 MWp Advanced Agrovoltaic Plant called “Ariano”


41,08 MWp Advanced Agrovoltaic Plant called “Ariano”
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